Qball: As seen on Shark Tank

Chances are, you have heard of QBall from their segment on the hit TV show, “Shark Tank.” We’re sure you’re wondering if they landed a deal or not, and we’re proud to say that yes—they did! Three, to be exact. Read on to learn what Day Studios and Qball were able to create together.

Why Qball hired Day Studios

Shane Cox, founder of QBall/PEEQ Technologies, truly built his company from the ground up. After a few years since crushing his segment on Shark Tank, Shane saw that his hard work was certainly paying off, but it was clear (to him and The Sharks) that his DIY brand was holding him back.

He needed a brand identity that truly reflected the caliber of his product and mission— to ensure that every child's voice can be heard. So, we did just that! Using his existing logo as inspiration, we developed a super-fun brand; dreamt up a mascot, and created a robust collection of ready-to-use graphics anyone on his (non-designer) team could utilize.

Qball's look before...

You can see how— while they didn't look *terrible*— there was a lot of room to level up. Shane and the team felt like their look was too literally child-like, and wanted their brand to be able to play nicely with their target markets beyond the classroom— with events and corporations.

After Day Studios

As you can see... Query really did [speedily] become a favorite around here.

Shane's Take on the Project:

I feel like we stumbled into a gold mine finding you. Seriously, thank you! We freaking LOVE our new brand. The whole team can’t stop talking about it!

— Shane Cox

Founder, Qball/PEEQ Technologies

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