The podcast for big-hearted entrepreneurs:

Brand for Real.

Where purpose-driven entrepreneurs learn to reject the status quo, embrace their humanity, and thrive.
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My intention with every episode is to give you grounded, real-life, actionable insights you can put to work now in your business— so your questions are everything.

To submit, head to The Green Room. I hope you hang around... all of my freebies live there, too. Stay awhile!

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Meet your host

Dana Spano

I've always known in my bones I was meant to make a big impact in life, but could never seem to figure out what that was (let alone bring it to life.)

After several attempts that fell flat OR made money (but didn't truly *
work* in the most important ways), I got honest with myself; claimed my calling as a coach and developed The Human+Being MethodTM and CHAI MetricsTM— my method for business design and brand strategy, and my signature program Alive+Aligned Entrepreneur followed soon after. Like buttah.

This is my life's work, and I'm so happy you're here to share in it.

I'd like to personally invite you to take full advantage of the resources here. Join me on the podcast, hang out and get freebies in
The Green Room, or if it calls to you— let's work together in one of my programs.

Can't wait to see you on the inside!

I don't do newsletters.

But, I do share [free, useful] stuff in The Green Room, and you're invited. Come hang out!
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Kinda goes without saying, but I don't do spam, either.
Regardless, feel free to unsubscribe at any time.
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